Nowadays, where credit transactions are every day, bad credit can make your life miserable. Without good credit, you can’t get a good apartment, you can’t qualify for a low interest mortgage, you can’t get an apartment, and you may not get a good job. This article will try to help you keep up whatever credit score you have and even make it better.
“Quick” is a word that is relative to your perspective. For some people, thirty days is quick, but for others, it might mean just a few days. In this case, quick credit repair is normally a few months to a year.
If you credit score is low, you may have suffered from health problems, loss of a job, theft, or other problems that lost you money and/or affected your credit. If you want to change your credit situation, you need to analyze your finances, examine if you have tried to resolve your problems, and ask yourself if you have the determination you need to correct your problems.
If you have the determination you need to correct your problems, there is still hope. Here are some ways to repair your credit and remove negative items on your credit report, to get you better credit:
1. First and most important: pay your bills on time or early from now on. 35% of your credit score is measured by whether you pay your bills late, on time, or even before they’re due. Late payments can lose up to 100 points on your credit scores. Late or early payments can either help or hinder your efforts to repair your credit scores. Bottom line: You need to pay all your bills on time or early.
2. Find out what is in your credit report. You can get free reports at, but some allege that these free reports are tied to a technicality that increases time for reinvestigation when there is a dispute.
3. You hope to increase your credit scores, which will accelerate your credit repair process. You can increase your credit scores by making payments early, and cutting down your existing balances and debts.
4. Check your credit reports for inaccurate information. Mistakes can lower your credit scores. When you find inaccuracies, report them to the bureaus in writing ASAP. If the mistake was made by the credit reporting agency, it is his duty to correct such mistakes. If the error was by the creditor itself, then your dispute should trigger an investigation, and should eliminate the problem. Sometimes, you have to dispute an error multiple times, before it gets corrected.
5. You should also dispute entries made by credit bureaus multiple times if necessary, because they often fail to counter your dispute, because old debts aren’t worth verifying. If you try this type of dispute, don’t just replicate dispute letters you find in the internet. It’s much better for you to write your own letter. This show your claim is legitimate, not just parroted.
6. Finally, don;t dispute your open accounts, because these help build your good credit history. Just pay them on time and leave them alone.